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September 8, 2019 | Pastor John Bayles | Instructions for Disciples: A Jewish Feast with the Master | Mark 6:33–44
The Cost of Discipleship Mark 6:6 to 6:56
Instructions for Disciples: A Jewish Feast with the Master
Mark 6:33-44.
Earlier, Mark described the banquet that Herod Antipas provided for a small number his noted Jewish leaders in order to impress them. The result was the martyrdom of John the Baptist. This feast impressed his guests, but only as ones seeing a fool being trapped in his foolishness. In this narrative, Jesus also throws a banquet for likely over ten thousand of his Jewish guests . Not in a magnificent man-made mountain palace, but on a majestic mountain pasture of green grass – both venues had been built by the masters of the feasts. Jesus performed this miracle with effortless poise and grace. Yet, in a more crafty manner Jesus was continuing to train His disciples. The words " you give them something to eat" fall from his lips without the slightest sense of panic or concern as if a storehouse was near and already filled with food. Who was being tested by this generous offer to sit down and have a late dinner? The target audience was clearly the disciples. What did they hear and what did they learn. And, what will we hear and learn?
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