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September 1, 2019 | Pastor John Bayles | Instructions for Disciples: The Power of Solitude | Mark 6:30-34
The Cost of Discipleship Mark 6:6 to 6:30
Instructions for Disciples: The Power of Solitude
Mark 6:30-34
In most commentary sources, this section is a transition to the account of the feeding of the five thousand. It is simply the moment when the disciples return and report to Jesus the results of their first missionary journeys and is quickly followed by the feeding of the five thousand. In Mark’s Gospel he inserts several very valuable observations Jesus makes to twelve disciples, whom he calls Apostles. Here is the lesson that the disciples observed in Jesus’ life. Perhaps they had forgotten it. Perhaps we forget it too easily. It the discipline of solitude. Solitude, rest, separation from and restoration from life – there are many descriptions. It is more than a goal, it is a survival skill for the disciple of Christ. Mark’s audience is a battered Roman community. May we lean in close today and listen to this wise counsel also.
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