Sunday, September 22, 2019

Sunday, September 15, 2019

September 15, 2019 | Pastor Roger Melson | The Eternal Perseverance of Our Faith | Genesis 12:1-9

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September 15, 2019 | Pastor Roger Melson | The Eternal Perseverance of Our Faith | Genesis 12:1-9

                                               Roger and Marsha Melson

Sunday, September 8, 2019

September 8, 2019 | Pastor John Bayles | Instructions for Disciples: A Jewish Feast with the Master | Mark 6:33–44

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September 8, 2019 | Pastor John Bayles | Instructions for Disciples: A Jewish Feast with the Master | Mark 6:33–44

The Cost of Discipleship Mark 6:6 to 6:56

Instructions for Disciples: A Jewish Feast with the Master
Mark 6:33-44.

Earlier, Mark described the banquet that Herod Antipas provided for a small number his noted Jewish leaders in order to impress them. The result was the martyrdom of John the Baptist. This feast impressed his guests, but only as ones seeing a fool being trapped in his foolishness. In this narrative, Jesus also throws a banquet for likely over ten thousand of his Jewish guests . Not in a magnificent man-made mountain palace, but on a majestic mountain pasture of green grass – both venues had been built by the masters of the feasts. Jesus performed this miracle with effortless poise and grace. Yet, in a more crafty manner Jesus was continuing to train His disciples. The words " you give them something to eat" fall from his lips without the slightest sense of panic or concern as if a storehouse was near and already filled with food. Who was being tested by this generous offer to sit down and have a late dinner? The target audience was clearly the disciples. What did they hear and what did they learn. And, what will we hear and learn?

Sunday, September 1, 2019

September 1, 2019 | Pastor John Bayles | Instructions for Disciples: The Power of Solitude | Mark 6:30-34

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September 1, 2019 | Pastor John Bayles | Instructions for Disciples: The Power of Solitude | Mark 6:30-34

The Cost of Discipleship Mark 6:6 to 6:30

Instructions for Disciples: The Power of Solitude
Mark 6:30-34

    In most commentary sources, this section is a transition to the account of the feeding of the five thousand. It is simply the moment when the disciples return and report to Jesus the results of their first missionary journeys and is quickly followed by the feeding of the five thousand. In Mark’s Gospel he inserts several very valuable observations Jesus makes to twelve disciples, whom he calls Apostles. Here is the lesson that the disciples observed in Jesus’ life. Perhaps they had forgotten it. Perhaps we forget it too easily. It the discipline of solitude. Solitude, rest, separation from and restoration from life – there are many descriptions. It is more than a goal, it is a survival skill for the disciple of Christ. Mark’s audience is a battered Roman community. May we lean in close today and listen to this wise counsel also.