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July 15, 2018 | Pastor John Bayles | Into the Deep Water: Part Three | Truth, Godliness and a Blessed Hope | Titus 1:1-4
Into the Deep Water: Part Three - Truth, Godliness and a Blessed Hope
Titus 1:1-4
Paul concludes his opening salutation to Titus with the instructive words of truth, godliness and the promise of eternal life. Though he does not go into the detail that he did in his earlier letter to Timothy, Paul presents an outline for his co-laborer Titus. This shows us two very important points: 1st. Titus is an older man than Timothy (possibly closer to Paul’s age) and that was already a seasoned minister of the word and pastoral ministry. 2nd As a result, Paul is giving Titus, within his salutation, an outline of the truths that Titus must focus upon as he interviews and places men and women in oversight and teaching position in the churches in Crete. In Timothy’s case, Paul’s correspondence was a tool to authorize Timothy in his task of correcting elders that Paul had already placed in Ephesus and give him a detailed description of actions and teachings to present. In Titus’ case, Paul’s correspondence was tool to instruct him to set in place overseers and elders in Crete and give him an outline of doctrinal truths, the details of which were already farmiliar to him. These bulltet points were ones which Titus was both familiar with and able to present. The letters of Paul to Timothy and Titus find a new emphasis for us today. Timothy and Titus accomplished their instructions in their militaries. They are in heaven today. Today, by the ongoing inspiration of the Holy Spirit, these letters are written to us today. Let us take them up and bring sound doctrine for correction and sound action for developing the church. These letter are now ours to read and follow.
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