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July 1, 2018 | Pastor John Bayles | Into the Deep Water: Part One | A Servant of God and an Apostle of Jesus Christ | Titus 1:1-4
Into the Deep Water
Part One | A Servant of God and an Apostle of Jesus Christ | Titus 1:1-4
Titus 1:1-4
Paul opens his letter to Titus using precise language about himself and the faith. The letter is written to urge Titus to organize the leadership structure of the churches in Crete and to encourage them to teach sound doctrine. Doctrine embraced and taught by mature and godly leadership is at the heart of his message. He is not sending Titus a few lightweight, simple instructions on how to be an effective pastor. Titus himself had already attained that status. He cut his ministry teeth working with the Church in Corinth - no easy task. Now he is focused on setting up a leadership structure and building up those who have very likely grown cold in their faith, because they have become idle regarding Christ’s teaching. Paul laid a foundation, but he now presses the church through Titus to move beyond their initial experience of coming into the faith and go on to experience the faith itself. Most of us know that the more detailed and difficult teachings of the faith cause people to become amazed. These doctrines can also cause people to become disturbed. Yet these teachings of Christ lead into the deep waters of the Christian faith. This opening greeting reveals where Paul is heading in the letter - into the deep water. Patience! Courage!
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