Sunday, May 27, 2018

May 27, 2018 | Pastor John Bayles | Gift, Givers and The Great Giver | Philippians 4:10-20

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May 27, 2018 | Pastor John Bayles | Gift, Givers and The Great Giver | Philippians 4:10-20

Gifts, Givers and the Giver
Philippians 4:10-20

We live in a time when giving gifts is very common. Gifts to non-profit ministries is a huge part of the process. Our nation appreciates this generosity and gift dollars are tax deductible. In Paul’s day, especially in the Greco-Roman Patron context, gifts were mostly given to purchase status and favor. As a result gifts often flowed from the head rather than the heart. Favor was curried, lives were given political status, influence and power were the result. Here Paul is sending a thank you note to a group of people who lived in this context, but unlike the politically motivated, the Philippian church gave from their hearts to a man they loved. However, Paul’s comments in this text have been viewed by many as frosty and even ungrateful. This is far from the truth. He is pointing his attention to the Savior who is the greatest gift that he and his friends have received. In addition he is asking in response to their generosity that the Great Gift Giver will place these gifts on eternal display as a continuing reminder of the Lord’s mercy, faithfulness and generosity.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

May 20, 2018 | Pastor John Bayles | Again I Say, Rejoice | Philippians 4:4-9

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May 20, 2018 | Pastor John Bayles | Again I Say, Rejoice | Philippians 4:4-9

Again I Say, Rejoice
Philippians 4:4-9

Thanksgiving and particularly rejoicing have been at the center of everything Paul has shared in this letter. He again returns to this theme. It is amazing really that Paul has repeated this exhortation so often, rejoice! This is most particularly true knowing the historical context of where Paul is writing from – prison. He has made the case, I rejoice in my captivity and chains, but God has given me the opportunity, the unheard of opportunity to witness to all of the palace guard, and “everyone else!” How often have we felt that we can’t do this or that, because we are hindered by something? What is Paul’s response to that? We will see in this text that the answer is don’t be anxious about anything, let your gentleness be evident to all, pray, and continue to pray about everything, keep a keen eye out for every evidence of the Lord’s presence in everything, follow the example of others who have walked where you’re walking now, and remember to rejoice, because the Lord is very near. And, just in case you forgot, remember to rejoice and again don’t forget, rejoice!!!!