Monday, October 16, 2017

October 8, 2017 | Pastor John Bayles | Prayers of St. Paul: For the Israel of God | Romans 10:1-13

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October 8, 2017 | Pastor John Bayles | Prayers of St. Paul: For the Israel of God | Romans 10:1-13

Prayers of St. Paul: For the Israel of God
Romans 10:1-13

The prayer we will look at today is produced by a lifestyle left behind by the Apostle Paul. That life was once his passion; that life was once his obsession; that life was once his hard taskmaster. Paul is not longing to return to a life of a Pharisee, nor the broader life of Judaism. His longing is for those within these circles who are his family, his kin, yet now foreigners to him and faith in Jesus Christ. Though Paul seems to reminisce about the pleasure of their companionship, he does not drift too far from the realization that they are in two separate worlds and captivated by two covenants. From this new covenant context, Paul prays that his former brethren might be turned from turn their zeal for hypocritical righteousness – “I’m better than you,” to the righteousness of God provided by the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Within this prayer is a model for us to follow. May the great Father of Hosts draw as only He can, the hearts of those for whom we too long to come into His marvelous Kingdom light.

For the video version: click here.