These are that last comments that Jesus will make with his disciples in the upper room during the Passover and the last supper. It is interesting that here, in this upper room, He reveals to them that the Holy Spirit will come to them. Could it be that in this very same upper room, not many day hence, the Holy Spirit Jesus speaks about in this room, will come in power in the same room?
What is the ministry of the Holy Spirit? Jesus directly links the peace He is about to bring to the disciples and all the redeemed, with the power to believe in it. These are curious words for many, but close scrutiny reveals that Jesus is being consistent with the message of regeneration based upon His atonement. True peace with God will be accomplished at the cross. This peace is the basis for atonement, restoration between sinful men and God.
The Holy Spirit is both the mouthpiece and the power giver in the act of regeneration based upon this peace being purchased by Christ. There is a great mystery unfolding here and the Holy Spirit is the one who will bring it into reality in the lives of the disciples, and in our lives today.
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January 25, 2015 | Pastor John Bayles | Before I Leave You: True Peace, True Reconciliation | John 14:26-31
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