In this remarkable exchange, Jesus gently, but clearly outlines the elements of what it is to be born again. More than a simple personal decision, or embracing the religion of a parent or spouse as stated in the last chapter (1:13), Jesus tells an inquiring Pharisee, Nicodemus, that regeneration is the entry point to the Kingdom of God.
Perhaps the most confusing doctrine, the new birth remains both central to the Christian faith and yet exclusively controlled by God's grace. In this sermon we will listen again as Jesus presents with disturbing precision its simplicity. Perhaps their reaction to the instruction gave on the dark night is similar to our today - "How can this be?" Yet, Jesus presented His doctrine as if non troubling and as something elementary. But troubled he was, and with due cause, for the new birth is not something that we an control or that is an item we can set aside or embrace - an remain a Christian.
Being born again is both necessary and normative. It was not just an option for Nicodemus or for us today. The ringing words of Jesus set fort the most critical and necessary of messages for the world to hear and to be assimilated into, "You Must Be Born Again!"
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September 8, 2013 | John Bayles | The First Discourse: You Must Be Born Again (Part 1) | John 3:1-21
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