Sunday, June 30, 2013

June 30, 2013 | John Bayles | A Present and Future Hope (Hosea 14:1-9)

In this final plea to the nation of Israel, we see the passion of the prophet and the God Who has sent him. Very reflective of the heart of the Lord in the ministry of Joel, as He holds out one more time the hand of forgiveness, are the words, “Even now....” (Joel 2:14). So too, here Hosea extends the mercy of God to this vile and backslidden people, not with the hope of their repentance, but as an assurance to Himself and to all the hosts of history, that though they are covenant breakers, He has not wavered in faithfully keeping His word to His people, Israel.

Yet, as he speaks to them, He is speaking to us, also His covenant people. But, people redeemed before we lived, called in our darkness, regenerated by His Spirit, captured by His grace, provided for by His benevolence, and finding purpose fruitfulness in proclaiming His Gospel.

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June 30, 2013 | John Bayles | A Present and Future Hope (Hosea 14:1-9)