Jonathan Edwards once wrote that those who do not want to give can rarely find anyone in need, yet those who want to give seem to find people to help no matter where they are. The idea that people have needs and that we can help them should be enough for us to consider in the order of benevolence.
Yet too often we out think the process with the rationale that the needy person is lying about their need or that their poor management of their resources has brought them to their dilemma - therefore they are better off suffering for perhaps they might learn something important.
Paul is addressing something very close to this subject, for the very needy (the widows indeed) must be cared for and the others who are also widows, yet have means must be considered in a different light. Today we will observe Paul sort out the categories of the needy and the ways their needs can be met in the Christian context.
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June 24, 2012 | John Bayles | Reasonable Benevolence (1 Timothy 5:3-16)
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