Where does grace begin and where does it end? There is little doubt that the genuine Christian believes that he/she was saved by the grace of God. We lived in the beauty of those early days of faith and the accompanying thanksgiving of seeing clearly that though we are sinners, Christ’s death and resurrection has made us whole and acceptable to God.
Yet, too soon as we supposedly mature, we take up again the cry of a fallen nature. It manifest itself in the drive to better ourselves, to grow in faith, by study, memorization, prayer, witnessing, and other spiritual disciplines. These are thrilling to engage in, but also danger lies here. For failure at consistency in good works brings despair and the view that we are not whole, we are not obedient, and even, we are no longer saved. Do you see the distance from our first observations of faith and these?
Today we will hear that the foundation of our faith and the grace that has brought us to it, is as important today as when we were born of the Spirit. In short we must cling to the truth of the scripture: that we are continually and totally dependant from our new birth until Christ’s coming upon the saving grace in which we first believed.
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May 6, 2012 | John Bayles | Truth: The Safe Anchor (1 Timothy 4:1-8)
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