How many of us participated in formal athletics at one time or other. Most of the time this brings fond memories of days gone by when we were younger, fitter, and willing to sacrifice most anything to the sport we loved to play. Can you still fit into that team uniform today? Is that passion matched by conditions still at the same peak level? If the answer is no to these questions, then we have a life example of what the author of Hebrews is driving at with his hearers and us today.
Spiritual discipline is every bit as important for the Christian as physical condition is to the athlete. And, as is the case with the athlete, we can drift away from the spiritual passion we once knew and the commitment to be the preachers of the Gospel that the Lord commissioned, authorized, and sent us into the world to be.
In this text today, the author gives us the halftime pep talk that we may need today. It is time not to look back on past days of spiritual vitality, but re-engage enthusiastically in the call. The prize does not go to the one who ran the fastest at the beginning of the race, but to the ones who finish. What is the joy set before us? "Enter my rest, good and faithful servant!"
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December 11, 2011 | John Bayles | Go Into All The World: A Race To Run (Hebrews 12:1-3)
These sermons are getting through to me. I'm praying that the Lord will awaken me to the call He has marked out for me. Very much like the direction you have taken. I am praying for the fruit of new spiritual babies in Jesus to be born through my witness. Thank you very much.