In this sermon, we will make a close examination of the Substance of the Gospel and then the Spread of the Gospel. The Apostle Paul is not acting independently from the Lord, as this text so dramatically reveals. Far from a personal passion that weighted the mind and actions of one man, the mandate to share the Gospel is the core job description of each and every Christian from the time Jesus gave it to the present day.
In a modern Christian world that so often finds itself unmotivated and even lost in its self-examination to find an answer to the question, "What is God's will for my life?", this text drives home again the simple, compelling truth that we have already, emphatically been given a task (the will of God) for our lives. By grace we have been saved and by grace we have been brought into the means for the reconciliation of those for whom Christ came to seek and to save. The important questions are: do we really understand what we have been sent to do, and are we willing to do it?
November 6, 2011 | John Bayles | Go Into All the World: Napkins and Placemats - Part 1 (Romans 10:1-17)
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